Famous Proverbs
341 Proverbs about Leave / Page 19
181. Leave the spool to the artisan.
182. What keeps its leaves, to the waning moon. What loses its leaves, to the new moon.
183. If there's thunder at Capu di Staghju, leave the wheat outside. If there's thunder at Capu di Muru, put it in a safe place.
184. This basket that leaves and returns unfilled is not nice.
185. Be patient with a bad neighbor. Maybe he'll leave or a disaster will take him out.
186. When the Angels arrive, the devils leave.
187. Never leave a mate behind.
188. Tigers die and leave their stripes, but humans die leaving their names.
189. They are not dead who live in the hearts they leave behind.
190. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.