Famous Proverbs
341 Proverbs about Leave / Page 15
141. If you love your son, make him leave home.
142. Advice is a stranger; if he's welcome he stays for the night; if not, he leaves the same day.
143. Money is like a guest: it comes today, leaves tomorrow.
144. When the crocodiles leave, the caymans come.
145. Crime leaves a trail like a water beetle; like a snail, it leaves its silver track; like a horse-mango, it leaves its smell.
146. Leave her now and then if you would really love your wife.
147. The more shoots, the more leaves.
148. Though a tree grows ever so high, the falling leaves return to its roots.
149. The more shoots, the more leaves.
150. You must decide where you are going in the evening, if you intend to leave early in the morning.