Famous Proverbs
75 Proverbs about Lazy / Page 7
61. A lazy man will remember he has not planted when is neighbour is harvesting.
62. A lazy man's farm is the breeding ground for snakes.
63. It is in the eyes of a lazy man that maize will ripen.
64. A lazy man plants on a mad bark as an excuse for not planting.
65. A lazy fly cannot have a taste of a fresh wound.
66. Make sure to send a lazy man for the Angel of Death.
67. If you want a beautiful woman, hurry to Syracuse: if you want her ugly, run to Terranova, go to Rosolini if you want her lazy and to Spaccaforno if you're looking for one to try.
68. Saints sleep three hours, merchants sleep five, ordinary people seven and the lazy sleep nine.
69. A lazy woman is never virtuous.
70. A lazy man is the devils handyman.