Famous Proverbs
99 Proverbs about Laws / Page 9
81. New Lords, new Laws.
82. He that fought the lion must surely have the lion's claws in his body.
83. He who wants to take much dies before going to the in-laws for introduction.
84. If you go to your in-laws you do not come back empty handed but with a cock.
85. The one who went to the in-laws got trapped in a thorn tree.
86. The power of a leopard resides in its claws.
87. Laws without penalties are like bells without clappers.
88. If you're not a King don't make new laws; leave the world the way you find it.
89. There's neither success nor efficiency without authority and laws.
90. Man's law changes with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit remain always the same.