Famous Proverbs
1024 Proverbs about Hear / Page 91
901. Listen with your heart. Learn from your experiences, and always be open to new ones.
902. Judge not by the eye but by the heart.
903. Words are sounds of the heart.
904. It is good to tell one's heart.
905. A merry heart goes all the way.
906. The village slatternly wench has the form of a dove, the heart of a fox, and the mind of an toad.
907. May you have kindness in your heart, a plump woman in your furs, and seal meat in you larder.
908. Kindheartedness and honesty can be expected only from the poor.
909. Children will tell you what they do, men what they think, and older people what they have seen and heard.
910. A tear in the eye is a wound in the heart.