Famous Proverbs
1024 Proverbs about Hear / Page 34
331. Never tell your friends what your enemy may not hear.
332. Reproaches are the soap of the heart.
333. The mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing.
334. The strength of the heart comes from the soundness of the faith.
335. The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further off than the roar of a lion.
336. Words from the heart reach the heart, words from the mouth reach the ear.
337. If a woman hears that something unusual is going on in heaven, she would find a ladder to go and look.
338. If a man's heart be impure, all things will appear hostile to him.
339. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear advice.
340. There are three things that refresh the heart and reduce your grief water, flowers, and a beautiful woman.