Famous Proverbs
590 Proverbs about Head / Page 54
531. It is better to be the head of a mouse, then the tail of a lion.
532. Tell the truth, and people will bash in your head.
533. The nose didn't smell the rotting head.
534. He who scrubs the head of an ass wastes his soap.
535. The head of a dragon, the tail of a snake.
536. Time is like a dagger; if you don't cut with it, it cuts you. Go ahead and cut. Be quick before it cuts you.
537. A head stuck on a pike no longer conspires.
538. Be not a shoemaker nor yet a shaft maker save for thyself alone: let the shoe be misshapen, or crooked the shaft, and a curse on thy head will be called.
539. The head only knows what lies nearest the heart.
540. Two heads cut off and thrown high into the tree have only the winds with which to scheme..