Famous Proverbs
590 Proverbs about Head / Page 48
471. A sleeping head needs more than its neck to support it.
472. A wind can move the branches of trees but it will never move the head of a man.
473. Be careful of the words you say each day, make sure each is nice and sweet, because may be in the days ahead, there will be some you'll have to eat.
474. Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off.
475. He that fights for a ne'er-do-well has nothing to show for it except a head covered in earth and grime.
476. Him with a bold head knows how to protect it through thorns.
477. If you break a coconut on a man's head, he will not enjoy eating it.
478. If you keep your head and heart going in the right direction you don't have to worry about your feet.
479. If you knock your head against a wall, then a coconut tree and pillar and your head still remains undamaged my child, go and hide that head of yours; it is a good head.
480. No matter how old you may be the future will always be ahead of you.