Famous Proverbs
176 Proverbs about Goat / Page 12
111. The milk of black goats and white goats is all the same.
112. In the daytime do we chase the black goat.
113. When the mother goat breaks into the yam store her kid watches her.
114. Don't outstay your welcome like a neighbor's goat.
115. If you put a silk suit on a goat it is still a goat.
116. When you see a goat you should always hit him, because he is either going into mischief or coming out of it.
117. The goat is not big in a cow town.
118. Both the goat has enough to eat and the cabbage remains.
119. Without driving even a goat would not go to the market.
120. Even on old goat likes to lick salt.