Famous Proverbs
1107 Proverbs about Friend / Page 97
961. Treachery darkens the chain of friendship, but truth makes it brighter than ever.
962. Treachery darkens the chain of friendship, but truth makes it brighter than ever.
963. Wish thy friend joy of his journey, but pray in secret that he have no joy, for then may he return quickly to thee.
964. Friends are like centipedes, they have many legs when work needs to be done.
965. You never really know your friends from your enemies until the ice breaks.
966. The sweetest grapes are picked from the vineyard of friendship.
967. Eat beans for lunch and have no friends at the dinner table.
968. An offer of friendship to a friend's foe is unbecoming an honorable man.
969. In choosing a friend, go up a step.
970. A true friend, is one that will take a bullet for you in the war.