Famous Proverbs
1107 Proverbs about Friend / Page 82
811. There is no better looking-glass than an old friend.
812. If you do a person a favor, you'll be his superior; if he does one for you, his inferior; and if neither, you'll be his friend.
813. I learned much from my teachers, more from my friends, and the most from my pupils.
814. Whoever welcomes his friend with a smile, it's as though he gave his friend the finest gifts in the world.
815. My friend tells me of my virtue. my enemy notes my fault.
816. If you see your friend's ox or sheep straying, don't look the other way; return them to your friend.
817. Who's a hero? he who turns his enemy into his friend.
818. Till age six, your son is your master; until ten he's your servant; until sixteen, a wonderful adviser; from then on, he's either your friend or your enemy.
819. Don't be too friendly with the clergy and don't fall out with them.
820. Law is costly; shake hands and be friends.