Famous Proverbs
1107 Proverbs about Friend / Page 56
551. Tell your friend a lie -- and if he keeps it a secret, tell him the truth.
552. The most faithful mirror is an old friend.
553. To friend and foe alike I tell them how bad she is, so that I don't have to share her with anyone.
554. To offer friendship to one who is looking for love, is like giving bread to someone dying of thirst.
555. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.
556. When two friends dip into their purse, one laughs, the other cries.
557. If you are among the roses, your friends will look for you among the thorns.
558. One simple maxim is often worth more than two good friends.
559. A Friend in need is a friend indeed.
560. A friend is someone who doesn't like the same people you do.