Famous Proverbs
59 Proverbs about Feathers / Page 3
21. When a dove begins to fly with crows, its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.
22. Do not eat your chicken and throw its feathers in the front yard.
23. Roosters' tail feathers: pretty but always behind.
24. You can best shoot an eagle with an arrow made from its own feathers.
25. Trusting in wealth is like looking for feathers on turtles.
26. He who eats a partridge in his youth will only be left with feathers in his old age.
27. The young magpie that pulls feathers out of his mother thinks that he is showing gratitude in that way.
28. Fine feathers make fine birds.
29. Elephants are killed for their ivory, birds for their feathers.
30. Showing off other people's feathers.