Famous Proverbs
766 Proverbs about Ears / Page 70
691. He who handle pitch besmears himself.
692. When the bag tears, the shoulders get a rest.
693. A stout bearded woman always bears something malicious.
694. We have two ears and one mouth that we may listen the more and talk the less.
695. If you plan for a year, plant kalo. If you plan for ten years, plant koa. If you plan for one-hundred years, teach the children.
696. If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.
697. Drops join to make a stream; ears combine to make a crop.
698. There is no flower that remains red for ten days, and no power that lasts for ten years.
699. Nobody knows who is he, even if he is under his father's ears.
700. Land is permanent, man disappears.