Famous Proverbs
766 Proverbs about Ears / Page 68
671. Cheese, pears and bread, is not the food of peasants.
672. Open your eyes and your ears when contracting, because the agreed upon circumstances mean a lot.
673. When the ripened ears are full and fall over, as if in sleep, the farmer awakens, that is to say, he begins the harvest.
674. Walls don't have ears but they hear, they don't have mouths but they speak.
675. The nightime March snow disappears by day.
676. Who serves God, fears nothing.
677. The weight of years is the heaviest load.
678. Pears, fill the chest; prunes, eat one.
679. If you continually harvest without fertilizing the land will soon be exhausted and you'll have bad years.
680. Bad luck wears out even the stout-hearted.