Famous Proverbs
39 Proverbs about Crowd / Page 3
21. Poverty is even worse if you have to sleep on the edge of a crowded bed.
22. A big crowd, but not a human being in sight.
23. A crowd is like a smoldering log which can spark into a flame at any time.
24. In the planting season visitors come singly, and in harvest time they come in crowds.
25. He who who flings a stone amid a crowd, does not know the it hits.
26. A crowd is not company.
27. The madman, who throws a stone into a crowded market, forgets that his own mother could be hit by his madness.
28. Crowd around for the getting, move out of the way when it's time to pay.
29. Gold attracts a crowd.
30. If you meet a red-haired woman, you'll meet a crowd.