Famous Proverbs
267 Proverbs about Children / Page 24
231. If you plan for a year, plant kalo. If you plan for ten years, plant koa. If you plan for one-hundred years, teach the children.
232. Our good life sure is there for us, unless we learned some bad conduct in our home as children.
233. He that marries a widow with four children marries four thieves.
234. Other people's children cause your nostrils to flare.
235. We desire to bequest two things to our children--the first one is roots; the other one is wings.
236. Children act in the village as they have learned at home.
237. Old proverbs are the children of truth.
238. It is easy to be the father of children already born.
239. A Joke may have children born.
240. Who weds a widow with three children takes four thieves into his house.