Famous Proverbs
268 Proverbs about Care / Page 20
191. Something well cared for lasts two centuries.
192. Take care of your dress from when it's new and your honor from your youth.
193. Better saucht w' little aucht than care wi' mony cows.
194. You must always be careful with something that is greater than you are.
195. First you are to think always of god. second you are to use all your powers to care for your people and especially the poor.
196. If you have no time to take care of your sickness, you get time to die.
197. Leave others in peace, care for yourself.
198. We do not care for the little and the great is of no importance.
199. God takes care of a blind cow.
200. Better saucht with little aucht, nor care with many cow.