Famous Proverbs
239 Proverbs about Because / Page 19
181. Remember your ancestors because you're not better than them.
182. The tooth is a fool because it smiles to whom it even dislikes.
183. When a tortoise embarks on a journey he doesn't ask for directions, because he does not want his enemies to know where he's going.
184. When two ageing good friends fight, it's because of an old grouch.
185. You cannot reject the head of a cow simply because the eye scares you.
186. You cannot stop planting cereals just because birds are going to feast on them.
187. Don't maintain a friendship with cops because you'll lose your wine and your cigars.
188. Always ask a higher price, because you can always lower it.
189. Avoid the bad, love the good, because things change in a moment.
190. In the countryside eat cardoon, because at the castle you'll eat pigeon.