Famous Proverbs
680 Proverbs about Another / Page 47
461. One man's happiness is another man's sadness.
462. One who cannot respect himself cannot respect another.
463. One woman understands another.
464. One woman understands another.
465. Only a heart can find the way to another heart. A wise man can laugh at his jokes.
466. Sympathy is a little medicine to soothe the ache in another's heart.
467. The person who is his own master cannot tolerate another boss. It's better to be without a book than to believe a book entirely. When economy goes south, people get political.
468. To know another is not to know that person's face, but to know that person's heart.
469. What is sensible today may be derangement at another time.
470. When one hand washes another, both become clean.