Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does YP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Young ProfessionalsTechnology
- Yield PointMilitary
- Young PersonBusiness
- Yellow PagesTechnology
- Yvon PhotometerCommon
- Yukawa ParticleCommon
- Yttrium PhosphideCommon
- Yolk ProteinMedical
- Yolk PolypeptideMedical
- Yield PointerScience
- Yield PhenomenonCommon
- Yersinia PseudotuberculosisMedical
- Yellow PineCommon
- Yellow PageTechnology
- Year of PublicationCommon
- Yamazaki ProcessCommon
- Patrol Craft, TrainingMilitary
YP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary