Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does WIC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Women, Infants and ChildrenGovernment
- Washington Information CenterScience
- Writing Intensive CourseEducation
- Worlds in CollisionCommon
- Work Introduction CoursesEducation
- Women, Infants and Children'ssMedical
- Women, Infant and ChildrenMedical
- Women in ComputingTechnology
- Wisconsin and CalumetOrganizations
- Wireless Indoor CommunicationTechnology
- Wildlife Information CenterCommon
- Wideband Imaging CameraScience
- Wicor, Inc.Organizations
- Whole Internet CatalogueTechnology
- White Irish CatholicChat and Slang
- Whitbread Investment CompanyCommon
- Westindische CompagnieScience
- Western Integrity CenterBusiness
- West Indian CommissionMilitary
- Welding Institute of CanadaCommon
WIC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary