Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does VOC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Volatile Organic CompoundScience
- Volatile Organic CompoundsTechnology
- Volatile Organic ChemicalScience
- Voice-Operated CoderTechnology
- Voltage Open CircuitScience
- Volatile Organic CarbonScience
- Volts Open CircuitMilitary
- Voltage-Operated Calcium ChannelsMedical
- Voltage-Operated Ca2+ ChannelsMedical
- Voltage-Operated Ca2+ ChannelMedical
- Volative Organic CompoundScience
- Volatile Organic ConcentratorScience
- Volatile Organic ComponentCommon
- Volatile Organic ChemicalsMedical
- Voice, CreativeCommon
- Voice of the CustomerCommon
- Voice of CustomerCommon
- VoiceTechnology
- VocativeCommon
- VocationalMedical
VOC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary