Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does VLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Video Lan ClientTechnology
- Variable Length CodingTechnology
- Visible Light-CuredScience
- Virtual Learning CommunityGovernment
- Volume License CustomerTechnology
- VolcanoScience
- Vital Load CenterCommon
- Visual Logic ControllerCommon
- Village Library of CooperstownEducation
- Videolan ClientTechnology
- Video Level ControllerCommon
- Very Low CostMilitary
- Very Low ClearanceMilitary
- Very Long ChainMedical
- Ventralis Lateralis, Pars CaudalisMedical
- Ventral Lateral Nucleus Pars CaudalisMedical
- Vehicule Leger De CombatCommon
- Variable-Length CodeTechnology
- Variable Length CodewordMilitary
- Vanguard Learning CenterEducation
VLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary