Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does VLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Video Lan ClientTechnology
Variable Length CodingTechnology
Visible Light-CuredScience
Virtual Learning CommunityGovernment
Volume License CustomerTechnology
Vital Load CenterCommon
Visual Logic ControllerCommon
Village Library of CooperstownEducation
Videolan ClientTechnology
Video Level ControllerCommon
Very Low CostMilitary
Very Low ClearanceMilitary
Very Long ChainMedical
Ventralis Lateralis, Pars CaudalisMedical
Ventral Lateral Nucleus Pars CaudalisMedical
Vehicule Leger De CombatCommon
Variable-Length CodeTechnology
Variable Length CodewordMilitary
Vanguard Learning CenterEducation
VLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary