Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does VG stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Volume GroupTechnology
- Voice GradeTechnology
- Very GoodCommon
- Vacuum GageTechnology
- Voorhees and GlicksmanCommon
- Volume of GasCommon
- Volume GuaranteeMedical
- Voltage GradientCommon
- Voltage GainCommon
- Volga GermanMedical
- VitellogeninMedical
- Visualization GroupScience
- Viscosity GradeCommon
- Virtual GovernmentMilitary
- Virgin IslandsLocations
- Video GraphicsTechnology
- Victory GamesOrganizations
- Vickers GunCommon
- VestigialMedical
- Vestibular GanglionMedical
VG Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary