Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does VDE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Visual Development EnvironmentTechnology
- Voice Data EntryMilitary
- Video Display EditorTechnology
- Vertical Detachment EnergyMedical
- Verband Deutscher ElektrotechnikerTechnology
- Valve Drive ElectronicsScience
- Volunteer Development EnglandCommon
- Vma1-Derived EndonucleaseMedical
- Virtual Domain EnvironmentTechnology
- Virtual Distributed EthernetCommon
- Violaxanthin De-EpoxidaseMedical
- Vertical Doping EngineeringMilitary
- Verona Desktop EnhancerTechnology
- Variable Display EquipmentCommon
- Variable Displacement EngineCommon
- Vapor Diffusion and EtchingScience
- Vapor Deposition and EtchingScience
- Vanguard Energy VipersOrganizations
VDE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary