Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does USA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
United States ArmyMilitary
United States of AmericaScience
United Space AllianceScience
United Software AssociationTechnology
University of South AustraliaEducation
United States AttorneyScience
Union of South AfricaCommon
Utilities Service AlertCommon
Upper Stage AdapterScience
Unstable AnginaMedical
University of St. AndrewsCommon
University of South AlabamaEducation
University of South AfricaCommon
Universities Safety AssociationBusiness
Universidad De San AndrésCommon
United Students for AbstinenceEducation
United StatesLocations
United Space AssocitationTechnology
United Scenic ArtistsOrganizations
Underground Service AlertGovernment
USA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary