Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does UCB stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
University of California at BerkeleyTechnology
University of Colorado-BoulderScience
University of Colorado at BoulderScience
Unit Control BlockTechnology
Ultraviolet Coronal BerkeleyScience
Urban College of BostonEducation
Unsupported Childs BenefitGovernment
Unrelated Cord BloodMedical
University of California-BerkeleyScience
University of California, BerkeleyMedical
University of California, BerkeleyScience
University College, BelfastCommon
University College of BotswanaCommon
University College of BangorEducation
University College BuckinghamEducation
Universidad Central De BayamónCommon
Universidad Central De BarcelonaCommon
Universal Content BrokerCommon
Universal Character BufferCommon
Unit Code BrowserScience
UCB Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary