Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TTC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Tunnel Thermal ControlTechnology
Time to CircularizeTechnology
Telemetry, Tracking and CommandTechnology
Transportation Technology CenterTechnology
Test Transfer CaskTechnology
Telecommunications Technology CouncilTechnology
Technical Training CenterTechnology
Toronto Transit CommissionCommon
Terminating Toll CenterCommon
Telemetry Traffic ControlScience
Telecommunications Techniques CorporationScience
Technology Transfer CenterScience
Trying to ConceiveMedical
Tropical Test CenterMilitary
Tritium Technology ConferenceCommon
Triple Test CrossMedical
Triphenyltetrazolium ChlorideMedical
Trident Technical CollegeEducation
Transtracheal CatheterMedical
Transportation Technical CommitteeGovernment
TTC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary