Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TT stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Trust TerritoryOrganizations
- Trust TerritoriesBusiness
- Truncated TetrahedronCommon
- True TypeTechnology
- True TrackCommon
- Troop TestMilitary
- Trisomic TypeMedical
- Triplet of TripletsCommon
- Triple ThermoplasticCommon
- Triple TherapyMedical
- Trinity TestCommon
- Trimmer TrackerTechnology
- TrimesterMedical
- Triangle TaperOrganizations
- Tretinoin TocoferilMedical
- Treatment TechniqueScience
- TreatmentMedical
- Transverse TubulesMedical
- Transverse TubuleMedical
- Transverse TubularMedical
TT Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary