Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Teratology SocietyMedical
Test SetMilitary
Test SiteScience
Test StandScience
Test StationScience
Tetrahedral SiteCommon
Thermal ShieldScience
Thermal SubsystemScience
Tidewater Southern RailwayOrganizations
Time StampTechnology
Tool SteelCommon
Tourette's SyndromeMedical
Toxic SubstanceMedical
Toxic SubstancesScience
TransexualChat and Slang
Transmission ServiceTechnology
Transverse SectionMedical
Treatment SystemTechnology
t CellsMedical
t Cytotoxic/SuppressorMedical
TS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary