Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Tubal PlastyMedical
Tubal PregnancyMedical
Tube PrecipitinMedical
Tuberculin PrecipitationMedical
Tuberculous PleurisyMedical
Tuberculous PleuritisMedical
Tunbridge PublicEducation
Tuned PlateCommon
Turbine PowerCommon
Turbine PumpCommon
Turning Point at Missed ApproachTechnology
Tutorial ProgramCommon
Twin ParadoxCommon
Twin PlaneCommon
Twinned PostMilitary
Txa ReceptorMedical
Txa2 ReceptorMedical
Type of PriceTechnology
Tyrophagus PutrescentiaeMedical
Tyrosyl PhosphorylationMedical
TP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary