Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Tubal PlastyMedical
- Tubal PregnancyMedical
- Tube PrecipitinMedical
- Tuberculin PrecipitationMedical
- Tuberculous PleurisyMedical
- Tuberculous PleuritisMedical
- Tunbridge PublicEducation
- Tuned PlateCommon
- Turbine PowerCommon
- Turbine PumpCommon
- Turning Point at Missed ApproachTechnology
- Tutorial ProgramCommon
- Twin ParadoxCommon
- Twin PlaneCommon
- Twinned PostMilitary
- Txa ReceptorMedical
- Txa2 ReceptorMedical
- Type of PriceTechnology
- Tyrophagus PutrescentiaeMedical
- Tyrosyl PhosphorylationMedical
TP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary