Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TNB stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Trusted Network BaseMilitary
- Trinitrobenzene Sulphonic AcidMedical
- Trinitrobenzene Sulfonic AcidMedical
- TrinitrobenzeneScience
- Transthoracic Needle BiopsyMedical
- Total Number of Piglets BornMedical
- Total Number of BornMedical
- Thomas and Betts CorporationOrganizations
- Thomas and Betts Corp.Organizations
- ThionitrobenzoateMedical
- Thin Needle BiopsyMedical
- Tail Number BinMilitary
- Tacoma Narrows BridgeGovernment
- t-NitrosobutaneMedical
TNB Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary