Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TMA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Telecommunications Managers AssociationCommon
- Telephone Management and AccountingTechnology
- Telephone Managers AssociationOrganizations
- Tenebrio Molitor LarvaeMedical
- Tennessee Manufacturer's and Taxpayer's AssociationScience
- Terminal Control AreaTechnology
- Terminal Maneuvering AreaCommon
- Terminal Manoeuvring AreaScience
- Terminal Medium AdaptorTechnology
- Test Module AdapterCommon
- Testability Measure AnalyzerCommon
- TetramethylammoniumMedical
- Tetramethylammonium ChlorideMedical
- Tetramethylammonium IonMedical
- Texas Medical AssociationMedical
- The Messaging AllianceTechnology
- Theater Musicians AssociationOrganizations
- Theatre Managers AssociationCommon
- Theatrical Management AssociationOrganizations
- Thermal Mechanical AnalysisMedical
TMA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary