Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Technical ManualMilitary
- Thematic MapperScience
- Tactical MissileMilitary
- TrademarkTechnology
- Team MemberTechnology
- Transverse MagneticTechnology
- Tone ModulationTechnology
- Traffic ModelTechnology
- Traffic ManagementTechnology
- Time ManagementTechnology
- Theater MissileMilitary
- Technical MemorandumScience
- Technical ManagementTechnology
- Tape MarkTechnology
- Tympanic MembraneMedical
- Trust MeChat and Slang
- Trunk ModuleTechnology
- Transmission MatrixTechnology
- Transmission and MultiplexingTechnology
- Transcendental MeditationMedical
TM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary