Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TFT stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Thin-Film TransistorTechnology
- Thin-Film TechnologyCommon
- Thin Film TransistorsScience
- Thin Film TransistionChat and Slang
- Thermo Fibertek, Inc.Organizations
- Thermal Field TheoryCommon
- Theatre Film and TelevisionCommon
- The Fantasy TripCommon
- Texas Federation of TeachersOrganizations
- Technologies for TrainingEducation
- Technologically Feasible ThreatMilitary
- Technical Feasibility TestingTechnology
- Technical Feasibility Test Time from Transmission Thin-Film TransistorMilitary
- Technical Feasibility TestMilitary
- Taylor Federation of TeachersOrganizations
- Tail-Flick TestMedical
- Tactical Firearms TeamGovernment
- Tabular Firing TablesMilitary
- Tabular Firing TableMilitary
TFT Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary