Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TFL stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Time from LaunchTechnology
Telemetry Format LoadTechnology
Through Flow LineScience
Turner Free LibraryEducation
Tully Free LibraryEducation
Tuftonboro Free LibraryEducation
Tucker Free LibraryEducation
Transnasal Fiberoptic LaryngoscopyMedical
Tivoli Free LibraryEducation
Time for LoveChat and Slang
Theresa Free LibraryEducation
The Ferguson LibraryEducation
Thai for LoversCommon
Tensor Fasciae LataeMedical
Tensor Fascia LataeMedical
Tensor Fascia LataMedical
Talk for LessCommon
Tail-Flick LatenciesMedical
Tail Flick LatencyMedical
TFL Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary