Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TDP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Technical Data PackageMilitary
- Tracking Data ProcessorTechnology
- Telelocator Data ProtocolTechnology
- Technical Development PlanTechnology
- Trigger Detection PointTechnology
- Transit Development PlanGovernment
- Total Dissolved PhosphorusScience
- Thermal Design PowerTechnology
- Theater Distribution PlanMilitary
- Test Design PlanMilitary
- Tag Distribution ProtocolTechnology
- Turnkey Demonstration ProgramCommon
- Turbine-Driven PumpTechnology
- Turbine Exhaust PressureMilitary
- Triton Data PathTechnology
- Tricare Dental ProgramMedical
- Traffic Data ProcessorCommon
- Trade and Development ProgramCommon
- Total Distribution ProgramMilitary
- Torsades De PointesMedical
TDP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary