Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does TDC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Technical Data ChecklistScience
- Technical Development CenterCommon
- Technical Directive CodeMilitary
- Technical Directive ComplianceTechnology
- Technology Development CenterScience
- Technology Development ContractorScience
- Telegraphy Data ChannelCommon
- Telemetry Data ControllerTechnology
- Telex Destination CodeTechnology
- Temperature Display ControllerScience
- That Darned CatCommon
- The Darwin CollectionCommon
- The Directors CutTechnology
- Theater Deployable CommunicationsMilitary
- Thematic Data CentreScience
- Thymic DcMedical
- Thyroglossal Duct CystMedical
- Thyroglossal Duct CystsMedical
- Time Delayed ClosingTechnology
- Time Density CurveMedical
TDC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary