Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Segment ShorteningMedical
- Sedation ScoreMedical
- Security/SafetyScience
- Security SubsystemTechnology
- Security and SafeguardsScience
- Sector ScanMilitary
- Secretary of StateCommon
- SecondsTechnology
- Secondary StorageCommon
- Secondary SpectrumCommon
- Seckel SyndromeMedical
- Sebastian SyndromeMedical
- Scrub-ScrubScience
- ScoresMedical
- SclerosisMedical
- Scintillation SpectrometerCommon
- Science ServiceCommon
- Schwannian StromalMedical
- Schwann SheathCommon
- School of ScienceCommon
SS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary