Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Surveillance RadarMilitary
- Sarcoplasmic ReticulumMedical
- Saturable ReactorCommon
- Savannah RiverScience
- Scan RatioScience
- Schedule ResultScience
- Search RadarMilitary
- Sedimentation RateMedical
- Selective RingingCommon
- Selenium RectifierCommon
- Send ReceiveMilitary
- Service RequestTechnology
- Sex RatioMedical
- Seychelles RupeeBusiness
- Short RateBusiness
- Sinus RhythmMedical
- Slew RateMilitary
- Slip RingCommon
- Society of RadiographersMedical
- Source RangeTechnology
SR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary