Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SOR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Steam/Oil RatioCommon
- Strategy and Options ReviewMilitary
- Striato-Occipital RatioMedical
- Study of ReligionEducation
- Subsystem Out-of-Service RequestScience
- Superoxide RadicalMedical
- Superoxide ReductaseMedical
- Suppurative Otitis, RecurrentMedical
- Surface Overflow RateScience
- Surface Oxidation-ReductionCommon
- Sword of RomeTechnology
- Synchronous Orbital ResonanceCommon
- Synchrotron Orbital RadiationCommon
- Synthetic Oxidation ReductionCommon
- System of RecordsTechnology
SOR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary