Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SOC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Security Operation CenterTechnology
- Security Operational ConsiderationsCommon
- Security Operations CenterTechnology
- Security Operations ComputerScience
- Security Overpack ContainerScience
- Selection, Optimization and CompensationMedical
- Self-Organizing ControlCommon
- Semivolatile Organic CompoundScience
- Sense of CoherenceMedical
- Sense of Coherence ScaleMedical
- Separated Orbit CyclotronCommon
- Separation of ConcernsTechnology
- Sequential Oral ContraceptiveMedical
- Serum OsteocalcinMedical
- Service Oversight CentreTechnology
- Set Override ClearCommon
- Set Overrides ClearTechnology
- Settlers of CatanTechnology
- Sham-Operated ControlMedical
- Sham-Operated ControlsMedical
SOC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary