Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SO stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Solar ObservatoryCommon
- Sold OutCommon
- SoleusMedical
- Solicitor's OfficeBusiness
- Solid OxideCommon
- Sollid OpticalScience
- SomatostatinMedical
- SonoraLocations
- SorbitolMedical
- South OrientOrganizations
- Southern Co.Organizations
- Southern CompanyOrganizations
- Soy OilMedical
- Soya OilMedical
- Soybean OilMedical
- Spatial OrientationMilitary
- Special OrdersMilitary
- Sphincter of OddiMedical
- SphingosineMedical
- Staff OfficerTechnology
SO Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary