Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SMS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Surface Mass SensitivityCommon
- Supplier Monitoring SystemTechnology
- Sunnyvale Middle SchoolEducation
- Sunnymead Middle SchoolEducation
- Sullivan Middle SchoolEducation
- Subscriber Management SystemTechnology
- Subject Matter SpecialistMilitary
- Structure and Mechanisms SubsystemTechnology
- Streptomycin SensitivityMedical
- Strathmore Middle SchoolEducation
- Strategic Missile SystemCommon
- Strategic Missile SquadronCommon
- Stores Management SystemMilitary
- Stores Management SetMilitary
- Storage Management SubsystemCommon
- Stochastic Market SystemTechnology
- Sting Millennium SuiteMedical
- Stiff-Man SyndromeMedical
- Stiern Middle SchoolEducation
- Stevenson Middle SchoolEducation
SMS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary