Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Sequence and MonitorCommon
- Sergeant MajorCommon
- Serosal-to-MucosalMedical
- Serratia MarcescensMedical
- Service ManualTechnology
- Severe MalariaMedical
- Sexual MaturityMedical
- Sexually MatureMedical
- Shadow MaskTechnology
- Shape MemoryCommon
- Shear ModulusCommon
- Shell MembraneCommon
- Shell ModelCommon
- Sherburne MemorialEducation
- Shift ManagerTechnology
- Shipping ManifestScience
- Short MessageTechnology
- Shuttle MissionCommon
- Sidereal MonthCommon
- Siemens-MartinCommon
SM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary