Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SEG stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- SegmentTechnology
- Systems Engineering GroupTechnology
- Standardization Evaluation GroupTechnology
- Software Engineering GroupMilitary
- Society of Exploration GeophysicistsScience
- Society of Economic GeologistsScience
- Shit Eating GrinChat and Slang
- Selective Epitaxial GrowthScience
- Seductively Evil GrinChat and Slang
- System Engineering GroundruleScience
- Suboesophageal GanglionMedical
- Subesophageal GanglionMedical
- Strategic Evaluation GroupMedical
- Special Escort GroupGovernment
- Special Effects GeneratorCommon
- Southern Examining GroupEducation
- Southeastern Cancer Study GroupMedical
- Solid Earth GeophysicsScience
- Soft Elastic GelatinMedical
- Socio-Economic GroupMedical
SEG Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary