Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SEC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Solar Energy CollectionCommon
- Solar Energy CollectorCommon
- Solar Energy ConversionCommon
- Soluble Elastic CapsuleCommon
- Solvent Extract ConductivityScience
- South Equatorial CurrentCommon
- Southern Electric CompanyTechnology
- Southern European CountryCommon
- Space and Electronic CombatMilitary
- Space Engineering CenterCommon
- Space Environmental Center, Second,Science
- Specialist Education CommitteeMedical
- Specialty Equipment Companies, Inc.Organizations
- Specific Electrical ConductivityMedical
- Spoiler and Elevator ComputerTechnology
- Spoiler Elevator ComputerTechnology
- Sponsor Executive CommitteeTechnology
- Spontaneous Echo ContrastMedical
- Spontaneous Echocardiographic ContrastMedical
- Squamous Epithelial CellsMedical
SEC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary