Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SBC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Smart Bitrate ControlTechnology
Sociedade Brasileira De CitopatologiaMedical
Sodium BicarbonateMedical
Solitary Bone CystsMedical
Somerville Baptist CollegeEducation
Sonic Boom CommitteeCommon
Southeastern Bible CollegeEducation
Southern Baptist ConventionCommon
Southern Building CodeMilitary
Southwestern Bell CorporationBusiness
Special Bureau for the CoreScience
Specific Bronchial ChallengeMedical
Sporadic Breast CancerMedical
St Brigid's CollegeEducation
Standard Buried CollectorCommon
Standards of Business ConductCommon
State Building CommissionScience
Steam Bypass ControlTechnology
Steel-Bonded CarbideCommon
Structural Biology CenterCommon
SBC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary