Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SAP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- System Application ProcedureMilitary
- System Application and ProductScience
- System Adaptation ParameterTechnology
- System Acquisition PlanMilitary
- System Access ProtocolCommon
- Synthetic Aperture ProgramTechnology
- Synapse-Associated ProteinMedical
- Symptom Association ProbabilityMedical
- Sympathoadrenal PreganglionicMedical
- Symbolic Address ProgramCommon
- Sustainable Agricultural PracticesCommon
- Survivable Adaptive PlanningMilitary
- Surfactant-Associated ProteinMedical
- Surfactant ApoproteinMedical
- Surface Array ProteinsMedical
- Surface Array ProteinMedical
- Suppressor Active PeptideMedical
- Supportability Assessment PlanTechnology
- Supply of Academic PublicationsEducation
- Substance Abuse ProfessionalMedical
SAP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary